Register a Golf Foursome – $1600.00

Paid for by single payee, Please add names and shirt sizes eg. Adam Smith – M, etc. before you click the button.

Players names and sizes

Register a Golf Foursome – $1600.00

Paid for individually – $400.00 each. Quantity can be updated at checkout. Please add name/s and shirt size/s eg. Adam Smith – M, etc. before you click the button. You can also name your foursome.

Players names and sizes
Foursome Name (optional)


Register a Golf Single Player – $450.00

Quantity can be updated at checkout. Please add name/s and shirt size/s eg. Adam Smith – M, etc. before you click the button.

Player/s names and sizes



Register to Play Tennis – $75.00

Quantity can be updated at checkout. Please add name/s and shirt size/s before you click the button.

Player/s names and sizes

To make a donation by check, please make it payable to “David H. Nickerson Foundation” and mail it to:

2300 Wolf Street, #4C
Dallas, TX 75201


Sponsor Appreciation Reception Only  – $75.00

Quantity can be updated at checkout. Please add name/s below.
